Wednesday, 6 April 2011

PURPOSE in friends..(BESTfriends instead)..:)

P --> Pick You
When I know you
I already pick you as my friends
And I know you won't let me down

U --> Unique
Our friendships are unique
You with yourself
And I with myself

R --> Risk
When we become friends, I know the risk
I know someday, I'll lose you
Dun no where and how you are
But I won't never ever forget you

P --> Pure
My friendships is pure
Not becoz you rich, smart, beautiful, and others
But becoz it's you..and it's really you..

O --> Our own way
We have different kinds to show care with our own way
Sometimes others can't understand
Cuz they are not our friends

S --> Special
Our friendships are specials
It's between you and me
Not like others fake strangers out there!!!

E --> Emotions
Each, we share the emotions
We laugh when happy
We cry when we sad
In rich, poor, health, or even sick..

When I wrote this,
I'm thinking of you guys..
I'm thinking our friendships..
I'm thinking what we have been trough
All together
Maybe I'm not good bestfriends
Can't always stay by your side..
But just remember..
My heart are always be with you all..
Cuz you have your own place in my heart..

Luv you all girls *and guys also)..

Mungkin saja rasa ini..

Mungkin rasa ini yang ku rasa
yang tak terkungkung oleh kata
dan tak terbelenggu oleh jiwa..

Mungkin rasa ini berkata

'aku hanya ingin hidup bahagia'
bukan hanya sesaat
namun untuk selama-lamanya..

Mungkin rasa ini dapat merasa..

di kala jiwa semakin resah
dan tak dapat terungkap seluruhnya..

Mungkin juga rasa ini meminta

sebuah ruang kosong disana
untuk memulai kembali segalanya..

Rasa ini bisa bercerita..

tentang aku, dia, dan mereka..
Rasa ini bisa tertawa..
jika teringat masa lampau yang indah..

Rasa ini tlah membendung air mata..

menitikkan yang tak terbaca..
yang tlah sembunyi tuk sekian lama..
yang menunggu tuk dibuka..
oleh sebuah kunci "CINTA"..

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Mike Mohede - Kemenangan ku

Saat ku lemah hampir tak berdaya
Saat ku hancur berkeping-keping
Aku diam di sisiMu
Aku mencari wajahmu

Saat semua orang mencaciku
Saat mereka mulai menjauh dariku
Aku terjatuh dan tersungkur
Aku tak mampu jauh dariMu

Kau kekuatanku semangat hidupku
Tak ada yang bisa bangkitkan ku lagi
Hanyalah diriMu sahabat sejati

Kau kemenanganku ketika ku kalah
Dan tak pernah kau ingkari janjiMu
S'lalu sempurna dan selesai di hidupku

Saat semua orang mencaciku
Saat mereka mulai menjauh dariku
Aku terjatuh dan tersungkur
Aku tak mampu jauh dariMu

Kau kekuatanku semangat hidupku
Tak ada yang bisa bangkitkan ku lagi
Hanyalah diriMu sahabat sejati

Kau kemenanganku ketika ku kalah
Dan tak pernah kau ingkari janjiMu
S'lalu sempurna dan selesai di hidupku

Kekuatanku... kemenanganku...

Kau kemenanganku ketika ku kalah
Dan tak pernah kau ingkari janjiMu
S'lalu sempurna dan selesai di hidupku

Monday, 24 January 2011

Miss you dad..

In this lately of morning..

Woke up with a thousand feelings..

Missing someone..
or two..


not one..
not only two either..
miss all..
the things that used to be happenings..

Miss my buddys..

miss my church..
miss him..
miss my dad..

Really miss him..

dun know why..
it's just suddenly happens..

A lot of questions..

just come up to my mind..

What does it feels..

How does it feels..
having someone..
that take care of you..
really loved you..
try as hard as he can
to do the best
and not hurt you..

Smile and laugh..

with him..
talk and share many things..
'bout me..
'bout them..
cry on his shoulder..
got comfort..


How does it feels..
when the first time
he met my boy..
how does his feelings..
how he act and react..
what is his comment..
is it good or bad??
will he say "yes" or "no" ??
will he gave his word to him..??
will he agree??

How does it feels..

proud of having someone..
having dad..
walk with him..

How does it feels..

when first date..
my boy ask my dad..
to let me go with him..
what does he said??
will he angry??
or will he agree??

Miss all that things..

simple things..
that can't feel..
that can't imagine..
cuz it's only a dream..


or often..
we didn't felt bless
of what we have..
always complain..

I know..

cuz I did it too..
still to learn many things in this world..

When he was there..

didn't respect him..
only think what I think is right..
only think what bad things he did..
only feel what I wanna feel..

Wish he be with me now..

wish that he can answer all my questions..
wish I can tell "Sorry dad..already disappointed you.."
wish I can hear what is his answer..

What does it feels..??

How does it feels..??

Miss u so dad..

Big and huge hug and kisses..

Love and Life

It was never easy..
If we talk about LIFE..
If we talk about LOVE..

There were no one even single word..
In this world..
can describe exactly..

For some people..
Life maybe means everything for them..
but not for the rest,,

What about LOVE??
Is it we Lived becoz of we fall in Love??
Is it We Love becoz of we Lived??

once again..
there were no one in this world..
can describe exActly..
What is Life..
and What is Love..

If you ask me now..
my answer will be..
LIFE means nothing..
and LOVE means everything..

Cuz when we live,,
we must be wanted love..
being loved..
feel the love..
and be loved..

Love and Life..
both of them..
can always makes us cry..
can always makes us,,
and many more..

They can makes us,,
murmuring everyday..
Dun know what to do..
Dun know what to say..
Dun know where and how to stay..


Single world..
Simple to say..
but hard to stay..

They always full of the pain,,
that we can't gain..
They are not a game..
so dun play with them..

they are not
as simple as we've seen,,

I do Love you..

When things goes wrong..
All I do just think nothing but u..
When things going down..
There’s nothing in my mind except u..

If u ask me..

All I can say..
I do luv u..
I do..
I really do..

No lies..

Just me..
And the truth..

I’ve made some mistakes..

So do you..
I’ve made some same stupid shit..
And so do you..

Both of us..

Just need times..
To learn..
To understand..
To listen..

To feel d luv..

To feel d gain..
To feel d pain..
Once again..

Wouldn’t think it’s easy..

Big NO NO..

There will be tears..

There will be angry..
There will be hurts..
There will be..
Many things..
Even lies..

But dun be afraid,,

No..we dun hav to..
Cuz I’ll always be your side..
And so so you..

All we hav to do..

Just trust..
Trust me..
Trust you..
Past all those things..
Till we can found..
What we really want..

Let it be me, mom..

If you asked me..
I won't answer it
Cuz I know it's useless
You won't understand
You doesn't have to be understand
And I don't want you to be understand either
let it be me, mom..

If you try to reach me..
Please don't do that, mom..
Cuz I don't want it..
It's been to much late..
Just let it go..

I know you love me..
Really..I know..
And I love you too, mom..
But..Just let it be me, mom..

You don't have try that hard
You don't have to feel that sad
You don't have to live that hurt
Just let it be me, mom..
Trust me..
And I won't let you down..

Cuz I know who I am
I know myself
More than you know
More than anyone else know..

Cerita Tentang Seseorang

Matahari bersinar
menerangi bumi
menunjukkan indah
dan terangnya dunia

Angin berhembus

menerpa jiwa
membawa terbang
semua duka

Air mengalir

melepas dahaga
menjernihkan hati
dan jiwa yang terluka

Bulan dan bintang

terlihat bersahaja
memandang indah
ke atas sana

Kata demi kata

menyambung sempurna
membuat kisah cerita

Nada demi nada

terlantun mengayun
meninggalkan jejak
di hati anak manusia

Matahari, air, angin, bulan, dan bintang

terlihat ceria
terlihat bahagia
tak ternoda


kata dan nada
mereka lah yang bercerita
tentang kisah hidup
seorang anak manusia..


Ku ingin melaju dengan cepat
tapi kaki ku tertancap
Ku ingin melompat
tapi tubuhku terikat
Ku ingin berenang
tapi aku terhalang

Ku ingin bernapas

dengan bebas
tapi aku tercekat
tercekik oleh jerat
meninggalkan bekas panas
dalam rongga ku

Ku ingin berteriak

tapi kemana suaraku??
dimana hak ku??

Ku ingin menggapai

tapi kemana tanganku??
mereka menghilang

Aku punya impian

aku bermimpi..
dan tak akan kembali..


Punya sahabat itu..
rasa-rasanya pasti bahagia

selalu ada terang

dalam gelap
selalu ada canda
dalam duka
selalu ada tawa
dalam hampa

Punya sahabat itu..

rasa-rasanya menyenaaaannnggkaaannn sekali..

selalu berbagi

dalam susah
selalu ceria
dalam lara

Sahabat itu

ga bisa diungkapin pakai kata-kata

Percaya dech..

saat kita jatuh
sahabat selalu ada
saat kita tertawa
sahabat pun akan selalu ada

Sahabat itu..

selalu setia
selalu jujur
selalu menjaga

Dengan sahabat

kita bisa bercerita
bisa bercanda
bisa tertawa
bisa berbagi rahasia


rasa-rasanya akan menjadi hitam kelam
pa bila sahabat..
mengkhianati kita
meruntuhkan kita
menjatuhkan kita

Ia telah menusuk dari belakang

bagai hewan buas
yang tak berperasaan

Ia telah menjadi kelam

diantara kekelaman
walaupun dengan topengnya
yang bermandikan cahaya

Ia menjadi satu luka

yang telah dan akan terus menganga

Ia sungguh kejam

mengatakan hal yang tak boleh dikatakan
mengatakan hal yang belum tentu dirasakan
mengatakan hal yang tak dapat dipastikan

Adakah benarnya

ia pantas menjadi sahabat??
masihkah ia menjadi sahabat??
benarkah ia seorang sahabat??

Tak bisa percaya..

tak bisa berkata-kata..

Hanya satu yang ku rasa..

Aku kecewa..

I wish

Standing here
all by my own
watching they come
feeling they go..

I saw them..

I feel them..

I wish..

one day, I become them
so happy with life
so glad with faith

I wish..

I can see him
I wish..
I can touch him
I wish..
I can talk to him

I wish..

he still alive

I wish..

I can feel him,
hugs his big body,
cry in his shoulder,
and hear his anger..

I wish..

he still alive..
to hear my story of life..

It's Finally COME..!!

It's Finally Come..
The only words dat I can say..
It's Finally Come..
The only things dat I can think..

It's Finally Come..

What I've afraid d most..
That always up
n never end
while I'm awake
nor a sleep..

It's Finally come..

With all it's pain n sorrow..
It's Finally Come..
With their happiness..

And I think..

This is d time..
The right time..
To make decision n to do so..

It's Finally Come..

To say goodbye n go..

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Someday by Nina

Someday you'll gonna realize
One day you'll see this through my eyes
But then i won't even be there
I'll be happy somewhere
Even if i cared

I know

You don't really see my worth
You think your the last guy on earth
Well I've got news for you
I know I'm not that strong
But it won't take long
Won't take long

Coz someday, someone's gonna love me

The way, i wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you 

Someday, someday..

Right now,
I know you can tell
I'm down and I'm not doing well
But one day this tears
They will all run dry
I won't have to cry, sweet goodbye

Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you 

I know someone's gonna be there
Someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you

Someday, someday...

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Dear Love

Dear Love,
U teach me how to be strong
In everywhere I belong

U teach me how to laugh
Whenever pain came n finally left
U teach me how to cry
Whenever time couldn't twice pass by

U teach me how to smile
Whenever I see u around

Just wanna see u
Hugs u
And be with u
For as long as we can be..

Dear Love,
We have so many great things has done
And also we have so many wonderful things that could and should be done..

We have sun, rain, cloud, wind, storm, rainbow, day, and night..

Words seems not many enough
Colour seems not much enough
And world seems not big enough
To describe about us..

But why tell me why..
U can torn in to two..
Where we know that we only have 1 heart?

There is hate between us..
It doesn't as big as u are..
But it grows faster than we think it is..

Dear Love,
Can u tell me why..
U give me hurts
Cut me down to the deep
And drown me to the basic

Dear Love..
Oh Love..