Wednesday 6 April 2011

PURPOSE in friends..(BESTfriends instead)..:)

P --> Pick You
When I know you
I already pick you as my friends
And I know you won't let me down

U --> Unique
Our friendships are unique
You with yourself
And I with myself

R --> Risk
When we become friends, I know the risk
I know someday, I'll lose you
Dun no where and how you are
But I won't never ever forget you

P --> Pure
My friendships is pure
Not becoz you rich, smart, beautiful, and others
But becoz it's you..and it's really you..

O --> Our own way
We have different kinds to show care with our own way
Sometimes others can't understand
Cuz they are not our friends

S --> Special
Our friendships are specials
It's between you and me
Not like others fake strangers out there!!!

E --> Emotions
Each, we share the emotions
We laugh when happy
We cry when we sad
In rich, poor, health, or even sick..

When I wrote this,
I'm thinking of you guys..
I'm thinking our friendships..
I'm thinking what we have been trough
All together
Maybe I'm not good bestfriends
Can't always stay by your side..
But just remember..
My heart are always be with you all..
Cuz you have your own place in my heart..

Luv you all girls *and guys also)..

Mungkin saja rasa ini..

Mungkin rasa ini yang ku rasa
yang tak terkungkung oleh kata
dan tak terbelenggu oleh jiwa..

Mungkin rasa ini berkata

'aku hanya ingin hidup bahagia'
bukan hanya sesaat
namun untuk selama-lamanya..

Mungkin rasa ini dapat merasa..

di kala jiwa semakin resah
dan tak dapat terungkap seluruhnya..

Mungkin juga rasa ini meminta

sebuah ruang kosong disana
untuk memulai kembali segalanya..

Rasa ini bisa bercerita..

tentang aku, dia, dan mereka..
Rasa ini bisa tertawa..
jika teringat masa lampau yang indah..

Rasa ini tlah membendung air mata..

menitikkan yang tak terbaca..
yang tlah sembunyi tuk sekian lama..
yang menunggu tuk dibuka..
oleh sebuah kunci "CINTA"..